November 2020

Catch of the Day

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  • March 2020

    JavaScript ES6: The forEach() Helper

    forEach() is an ES6 helper that is used to call a function once on each item in an array and is arguably the most useful ES6 helper. Let's dig into how it works.

  • January 2018

    Understanding Google PageSpeed Insights

    Google PageSpeed Insights is a useful tool for obtaining information about the speed of your website and offers optimisation suggestions to help improve that speed and helps your site fall in line with optimisation best practices.

  • April 2020

    JavaScript ES6: const and let

    Replacing var with const/let is all about increasing clarity in your code and by the end of this article, I’m hoping I will have convinced you to never use var again!

  • May 2020

    JavaScript ES6: The Basics of Classes

    In this article, you’ll see how messy and complex it is to set up prototypal inheritance in ES5 and how you can use JavaScript ES6 Classes to make understanding and implementing inheritance much easier!

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